How To Keep Money Safe At Home: Tips And Tricks

Last updated: January 29, 2024

Most people secure their money in a savings account at a financial institution. While a bank account is a reliable way to keep money safe with all the protection and zero trust security policies in place, keeping cash at home as an emergency fund is still a good idea. 

So, where should you store your money if you want it to be as safe as it is in a savings account? In this article, we’ll explore the best ways to keep money safe and why you should stash cash at home. 

Why People Stash Money At Home

Regardless of the convenience of putting money into a savings account and the assurance of FDIC protection, many people still choose to keep cold, hard cash. Among the reasons for this are:

  • Loss of trust for banks. Some people prefer to avoid banks rather than actually keep the cash.
  • Privacy concerns. In a business environment where data breaches and hackers are common, consumers may want to keep some of their finances more private.
  • Emergency preparedness. You may not be able to access your bank account during national emergencies and calamities. 

Paper money can be useful during these circumstances, and you’ll have easy access.

Where And How To Keep Money Safe At Home

Here are a few safest places to keep money inside a house. A few of these might seem unorthodox, but that is better. The more uncommon a hiding spot is, the less likely any burglars would find your money and valuables in case of a break-in or robbery.

Safe And Lock Box

A safe or a lock box is the obvious choice when keeping your funds secure and protected.

Consider a built-in home safe rated for fireproofing and water-tightness to keep your cash and other valuables safe from natural disasters. Also, we recommend investing in high-quality, durable home safes that can withstand pry attempts by burglars. 

A diversion safe, also known as a decoy safe, is another ideal hiding place for your money, credit cards, and jewelry. These storage devices come in various shapes and sizes, looking like any normal object in the house. 


A yard is another good place to keep your money if you don’t mind doing some digging. Put all of your cash in a plastic container or a glass jar. Then, find a good location in your yard to hide your cash. Bury it at the depth you believe will keep the money safe and dry. Also, it’s best if the spot is visible to your home security cameras and motion sensor alarm.

Picture Frames

Many people keep their spare cash in the back of picture frames. Picture frames are ideal because they appear unsuspecting. You can put the money in the back, hang up the picture, and hide it in plain sight without anyone noticing.

Fish Tanks

If you are okay with being near water, fish tanks are great places to hide money. Put the money in a plastic bag or another easily sealable container. Make sure there are no air bubbles in the bag or gaps where water can leak in. You can put the plastic bag at the bottom of the tank and conceal it with gravel.


Depending on how much cash you need to store, putting it in the ceiling of your home can be a great option to keep it safe. Just remember where you place your money in the ceiling, and you’ll also need to do some good patchwork to hide it from sight.

Final Thoughts

Although it’s not something everyone has to do, keeping cash at home is an excellent way to have a backup fund in case of an emergency. 

There are numerous ways how to keep money safe at home. However, the fundamental thing you must remember is that the best hiding spot is somewhere unsuspecting and easily accessible in an emergency. It’s also important to be aware of prevalent myths about financial crimes to enhance your overall security strategy.

If you are planning on installing a Ring-wired doorbell, find out how much installation costs in this article by Security Forward. 

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