Ways to Fix a Basement Foundation Repair | Methods & Processes


Your basement foundation is an essential part of your home, giving strength and stability to the structure, ensuring that you and your family are safe in the home. However, with time, your foundation may experience some issues and a gradual shift can happen to the ground on which the foundation settles.

When this happens, it causes unevenness in the basement foundation and shows different signs like bulging floors, damaged bricks, wall cracks, wall rotations, and removed moldings. These are indications that you need to consult a professional foundation repair contractor to come to your aid.

However, it is good for you to first inspect the situation and know what repair options you have before you call a contractor to work on your foundation. 

In this article, we present to you, ways to fix your basement foundation. If you require more information, visit https://fortwaynefoundationrepairexperts.com/.

Exterior Waterproofing

This is a basement foundation repair method that is used to repair a basement that’s leaking from the exterior of the home. During this process, the foundation is dug up to its source, after which a waterproofing system is installed through which water is redirected and dispersed away from the foundation walls into the earth. Exterior waterproofing remains one of the most effective waterproofing solutions to fix leaks in the foundation of your home. 

The following are the materials to be used for external waterproofing:

⦁ A reinforcement mesh

⦁ Hydraulic cement to repair the cracks

⦁ An air-gap drainage membrane

⦁ Two layers of Hydro Guard rubberized membrane

⦁ Drainage/weeping tile

⦁ ¾ inch gravel

With a perfect job done by a professional repair contractor, the wetness of your basement will stop and you will be protected against future basement leaks.

Interior Waterproofing

If you notice that your basement feels damp, your walls are wet, or your basement is oozing a funny smell, then you are likely to be facing a serious moisture issue. Interior waterproofing is a basement foundation repair option that is appropriate for situations where there is no proper dispersal of moisture in the basement of the home. When there is no access to the exterior of the house, interior waterproofing is the best way to waterproof your home from the inside, and a great solution for a wet or damp basement. 

It is important that you take action as soon as you discover that your basement is moist. Otherwise, mold and mildew will keep growing and cause unhealthy smells in your basement. Interior waterproofing is one of the solutions that help to control the buildup of hydrostatic pressure that causes a wet basement.  

The materials for interior waterproofing include the following:

⦁ An interior air-gap drainage membrane to wrap the walls

⦁ Drainage/weeping tile for the collection and discharge of excess water to your drain or sump pump

⦁ Pieces of drainage tile connector

⦁ ¾-inch gravel for drainage

⦁ And cement to dress the dug-up parts

When compared to external waterproofing, interior waterproofing is a far more cost-effective solution for your basement repair. Of course, there would be variations based on the conditions of the leak. Your professional repair contractor will be able to provide well-informed recommendations on if your best option to fix your leaky basement is interior waterproofing.


Underpinning is a basement foundation repair method that can be used to strengthen a foundation that has become too weak to support the structure. It is also a great option for homeowners who are looking to increase the height and wideness of their basement area. 

Weakness in the foundation can be caused by an alteration in the soil structure either as a result of subsidence, a large tree near the structure, expansion, and contraction caused by moisture, or a plumbing problem that has been left attended to. 

To reinforce the weak foundation, the professional repair contractor extends the foundation to spread the weight over a larger surface area. An expanding filler can also be introduced to strengthen the soil.

Before you conclude that your foundation needs underpinning, it is best to consult a professional repair contractor to schedule an inspection, after which they will let you know whether the underpinning is the best solution to your basement foundation damage.

Structural Crack Repair

Basement leak is inevitable if there are cracks in the foundation of your home. Structural crack repair (also known as an epoxy crack injection) is a waterproofing option that can be considered, depending on the nature of the crack. In this basement foundation repair method, an epoxy resin mixture is injected into cracks using specialized plastic ports. Once the cracks are filled with epoxy, they will bond back together. 

Under some conditions, structural crack repair is a more effective solution than other waterproofing methods. It is also a more cost-effective option.

You should note that this method may not be suitable for all kinds of cracks, so it is important to consult a professional contractor to inspect the foundation damage and recommend the best option to be used for your repair.

How Much Does it Cost to Fix Foundations?

Going by HomeAdvisor’s estimation, you can expect to spend between $2,012 and $7,074 to repair the foundation of your home; the national average being $4,542. If the severity of the damage is high and hydraulic piers are required, you may be spending above $10,000.

Doing an immediate repair as soon as any crack is discovered is the best way to prevent irreversible damage to your foundation. To repair a minor crack, you may not spend more than $500. However, if repair is delayed, the situation becomes worsened and you will have to spend more down the line. 

You will also need to factor in the cost of labor. Most foundation repair professionals will charge for labor by the hour, the average rate being $200/hr. Depending on your location and the cost of living there, there will be variations in labor rates.

Hire a Foundation Repair Expert ASAP

The four most common ways to fix your faulty basement foundation are exterior waterproofing, interior waterproofing, underpinning, and structural crack repair. All these various methods have their advantages and disadvantages, and will not always be suitable for all conditions. However, with the help of a foundation repair professional, you will be advised on which is the best option for you.

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