Does Home Insurance Cover Structural Problems?

Last updated: February 6, 2024


You might wonder, ‘does home insurance cover structural problems?’ Well, you’re not alone. Many homeowners share this confusion. Here, we aim to shed light on this matter.

The Role of Home Insurance

Home insurance, also known as homeowner’s insurance, is a type of property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual’s house and assets in the home. It typically provides liability coverage against accidents in the home or on the property.

A home insurance policy can help ease your worries about unexpected expenses due to damage or loss of property. But what about structural problems? Let’s delve into this.

Understanding Structural Problems

What are Structural Problems?

Structural problems in a house refer to issues that affect the integrity of the construction. This can include cracks in the foundation, uneven floors, or walls pulling away from the house.

Common Types of Structural Problems

Common structural issues can range from roof damage to a sinking foundation. Other problems can include water damage, wood rot, and issues with the overall stability of the home.

Does Home Insurance Cover Structural Problems?

When Home Insurance Covers Structural Problems

In many instances, home insurance will cover structural damage. This typically depends on the cause of the damage. For example, if a storm or fire causes the damage, your home insurance will likely cover it.

When It Does Not

However, not all structural problems are covered. For instance, damages due to wear and tear, or lack of maintenance, are generally not covered.

Factors That Influence Coverage

Cause of the Damage

As we’ve mentioned, the cause of the damage significantly impacts whether your insurance will cover the cost. Damage from natural disasters or unexpected events is usually covered.

The Policy Type

The type of policy you have also plays a role. Some policies might offer more extensive coverage than others. Therefore, it’s crucial to understand your policy well.

Maintenance History

Your home’s maintenance history might also influence the coverage. Regular upkeep can demonstrate to your insurance company that you’ve tried to prevent structural problems.

How to Ensure Structural Problems are Covered

Regular Maintenance

Regular maintenance is key. By keeping your home in good condition, you can prevent many structural problems from developing.

Right Policy Selection

Choosing the right insurance policy is also essential. Ensure you fully understand what’s covered and what’s not before signing on the dotted line.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. Does home insurance cover all structural problems? 

No, home insurance does not cover all structural problems. Coverage typically depends on the cause of the damage, the type of policy, and the maintenance history.

2. What kind of structural problems are not covered by home insurance? 

Structural problems due to wear and tear, or lack of maintenance, are generally not covered by home insurance.

3. Does home insurance cover damage from natural disasters? 

Yes, many home insurance policies cover structural damage caused by natural disasters, but it’s important to check your specific policy.

4. How can I ensure my home insurance will cover structural problems? 

Regular maintenance and choosing the right policy can increase the likelihood that your home insurance will cover structural problems.

5. Can structural problems develop even with regular maintenance? 

Yes, some structural problems can occur despite regular maintenance. However, maintenance significantly reduces the likelihood.


So, does home insurance cover structural problems? Yes, but with conditions. The cause of the damage, the type of policy, and the maintenance history all play roles in determining coverage. The best approach is regular maintenance and a comprehensive understanding of your insurance policy.

Learn more about foundation repairs from our blogs at Security Forward.

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