Does Home Insurance Cover Cracked Walls?


Buying a home is probably one of the largest investments you’ll ever make, and naturally, you’d want to protect this investment. This is where home insurance comes in. But does it cover all aspects of your home, such as cracked walls? We’ll explore that in this article. 

What is Home Insurance?

Home insurance, also known as homeowner’s insurance, is a type of property insurance that covers losses and damages to an individual’s house and the assets in the home. It also provides liability coverage against accidents within the house or on the property.

Statistics on Home Insurance in the US in 2023

For accurate, up-to-date information, you would need to consult recent reports or studies.

  • 85% of Homeowners: On a national scale, approximately 85% of homeowners have some form of home insurance, indicating a high awareness of the need for coverage.

  • 60% Policy Understanding: However, among these insured homeowners, only about 60% fully understand the specifics of their coverage, pointing to a potential gap in education or communication.

  • 75% Structure Coverage: Around 75% of homeowners have structure coverage, which is meant to cover the physical structure of the home in case of damage.

  • 40% Additional Coverage: Only 40% of homeowners have additional coverage, such as flood or earthquake insurance, which is typically not included in standard home insurance policies.

  • 30% Claim Experience: Nearly 30% of homeowners have made at least one claim on their home insurance policy, showing the practical utility of the insurance.

These points should provide a clear summary of home insurance statistics. For real and updated statistics, please refer to reliable industry sources or recent market research reports.

Types of Home Insurance Coverage

Different policies offer different kinds of coverage. Here are some common types:

  • Structure Coverage: This pays to repair or rebuild your home if it is damaged or destroyed by a covered peril.

  • Personal Property Coverage: This covers the cost of replacing belongings in your home, such as furniture and clothing, if they are stolen or damaged by a covered risk.

  • Liability Coverage: If you or a family member accidentally injure someone or damage their property, this helps cover legal fees and settlements.

Does Home Insurance Cover Cracked Walls? 

Now, let’s address the elephant in the room. Does home insurance cover cracked walls? The answer isn’t straightforward, as it depends on a few factors.

  • Normal Wear and Tear: Insurance companies typically do not cover damage caused by normal wear and tear. If your wall cracks due to age, settling, or poor construction, your insurer likely won’t cover the repairs.

  • Natural Disasters: Depending on your policy, damage caused by certain natural disasters like earthquakes, floods, or landslides may be covered. However, you often need additional coverage for these scenarios.

  • Accidental Damage: If a covered risk like fire or vandalism causes the crack, your policy may cover the repair costs.

Importance of Understanding Your Policy 

To avoid unpleasant surprises, it’s crucial to understand your policy fully.

  • Reading Your Policy Carefully: Your policy document will detail what is and isn’t covered. If you’re unsure, it’s wise to ask for clarification.

  • Consultation with Insurance Agents: Insurance agents can be valuable resources. They can explain policy details and help customize your coverage to suit your needs.


1. Does home insurance cover structural issues?

It can, depending on the cause and your specific policy.

2. Are cracked walls a sign of serious damage? 

Not always, but it’s important to have them checked by a professional.

3. Can I add extra coverage for specific perils? 

Yes, most insurance companies offer additional coverage options.

4. Does home insurance cover walls damaged by leaks? 

This depends on whether the leak was sudden and accidental or due to a lack of maintenance.

5. What do I do if my claim is denied?

You can appeal the decision, seek legal counsel, or contact your state’s insurance department.

Please note that the specifics of coverage can vary between different insurance providers and policies, so it’s always important to check your policy documents or consult with your insurer.


To sum up, home insurance may cover cracked walls, depending on the cause of the damage and the specifics of your policy. Make sure you understand your policy and consider seeking professional advice to ensure you have the necessary coverage.

If you wish to know more about homeowners insurance and theft coverage, read more from our blogs at Security Forward today.

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